The Fashion Industry is the second largest pollution causing industry in the world, after the Oil and Gas Industry.
In our strive to change this situation we built Totle Kid on a firm set of environmental ethics that we strive to carry out throughout our production process and its aftermath. We aim to advocate fashion that is sustainable, uncompromising the artistic elements.

House of Nama is proudly certified by FAIRTRADE, the world’s most recognized and trusted sustainability label. With over a million farmers from across the world coming together to build strong and sustainable communities, Fairtrade ensures ethical, economic, and human impact on the planet.Our conscious production process, artisan policies, and environmental initiatives helped us qualify the Fair Trade standards of sustainability. Having an international certification adds to the credibility of House Of Nama’s value system.
At Totle Kid we use 100% Organic and Fairtrade Cotton. Our fabrics are soft, long lasting and durable.
Totle Kid uses bio-packaging and bio-plastics which are completely biodegradable materials. These significant steps will help in reducing the usage of polythenes and unnatural materials for packaging.